Last updated: 2 ก.ค. 2567 | 18955 จำนวนผู้เข้าชม |
History of Huachiew TCM Hospital
华侨中医院建于 1995 年 7月5 日,是在华侨报德善堂和泰国卫生部亲切关怀下建立起来的。目的是为了给患者提供治疗、预防和康复的中医药服务,同时也是推动了跟具有深厚中医教育水平的中国合作,中泰两国共同致力于用具有国际标准化的中医在华侨中医院中推广和发展,中医也是泰国民众众所知周和被认为可信赖的和有效的替代医学。
1995 年 - 1999年期间
提供医疗救治和康复是华侨报德善堂最重要的社会作用,因此开始为曼谷民众提供医疗救治服务,认识到中医作为具有几千年悠久历史的发展和一门成熟的标准化的学科,同时泰国卫生部为了发展国家的医疗系统允许中医作为替代医学加入西医和泰医的行列中为民众提供治疗服务。因此,华侨报德善堂于1995年7月5日建立了现今的华侨中医院。1996年起开始开设针灸治疗,在当时针灸治疗是一种新颖的治疗方法,使得病人的人数快速而稳步的提高,医院也因此将病床增加到了 30 床,和开设两个推拿室和中药房。1996年3月18 日,中药房有200种常用的中药饮片,从每天抓80-90 包的中药慢慢发展到每天200 包。1997年2月29 日,中泰两国卫生部在北京签署了关于由泰国卫生部医务司为成为第一批培训学员的泰国西医生进行“3个月的针灸培训班”,培训的时间是1998年4月27 日到1998年7月24 日,并邀请了华侨中医院来自中国上海龙华医院的具有丰富经验的针灸专家程子成副教授作为课程主编人和主讲师。程子成副教授也是开创对泰国西医进行针灸培训的第一铺垫人。华侨中医院在当时从各个方面为泰国卫生部推动中医在泰国的发展给予了积极的配合和协助。比如: 开设培训、举行学术会议和开展各种中医药展等活动。
Between 1995 and 1999
Poh Teck Tung Foundation established the current Huachiew TCM Hospital on July 5, 1995. Started acupuncture treatment in 1996. The hospital had 30 treatment beds, two massage rooms, and one Chinese pharmacy. On March 18, 1996, there were 200 kinds of commonly used traditional Chinese medicine Herbs in the pharmacy, the uses of herbs which gradually developed from 80-90 packs to 200 packs per day. On February 29, 1997, the Ministry of Health of China and Thailand signed a “three-month training of acupuncture and moxibustion” training course for Thai Western doctors, Start from April 27 to July 24, 1998. Invited an experienced acupuncture expert "Professor Cheng Zi Cheng" as the lecturer. Since then, Huachiew TCM Hospital gave active cooperation and assistance to the Thai Ministry of Health in promoting the development of Chinese medicine in Thailand.
最初阶段的团队 1996年起开设针灸治疗
Initially of TCM doctors Acupuncture
treatment started in 1996
最初阶段中药房 1996年起参加泰国国家草药展览会
Chinese Pharmacy Participated in the Thailand
National Herbal Medicine
Exhibition in 1996
2000年 – 2005年
有限,无法满足日益增长的病人。正值华侨报德善堂创建90 周年和中泰建交25 周年之
4900平方米,主要用于治疗病人、学术研究和中医教学等。2000年1月1 日,泰国副总
理兼泰国卫生部部长Kon Thappharangsi 少将 和中国卫生部部长张文康,中国驻泰王国
挥的重要作用,也给泰国民众带来了巨大的益处。随后在2005年1月7 日,华侨报德善堂
Between 2000 and 2005
Poh Teck Tung Foundation realized that Chinese Medicine played an
important role in the health of Thai people. The space used by Huachiew TCM
Hospital was limited and could not meet the growing number of patients. On the
occasion of the 90th anniversary of the establishment of the Poh Teck Tung
Foundation and the 25th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations
between China and Thailand, the Poh Teck Tung Foundation has built a new 8
floors Chinese style hospital building for Huachiew TCM hospital. The total
construction area is 4,900 square meters, mainly used for treating patients,
academic research and teaching of Chinese medicine.
On January 1, 2000, Major General Kon Thappharangsi, Deputy Prime
Minister and Minister of Health of Thailand, Zhang Wenkang, Minister of Health
of China, Ambassador Fu Xuezhang, Ambassador of the People's Republic of
China in Thailand, and Dr. Zheng Wulou and Dr. Hu Yulin from Poh Teck Tung
Foundation attended the foundation stone laying ceremony of the Huachiew TCM
Hospital Building. This representative historical moment also highlights the
important role played by the Poh Teck Tung Foundation in promoting the
development of China-Thailand friendly relations and has brought enormous
benefits to the Thai people.
On January 7, 2005, Poh Teck Tung Foundation invited Her Royal Highness
Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn to hold an unveiling ceremony. This important
historical moment has opened a new chapter in the friendship and cultural
exchange between China and Thailand.
2005年1月7日泰国诗林通公主殿下为华侨中医院新楼揭幕 2000年1月1 日泰国副总理兼泰国卫生部部长
Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Kon Thappharangsi 少将为华侨中医院大楼
hold an unveiling ceremony 的奠基仪式 Major General Kon
Thappharangsi,Deputy Prime Minister
and Minister of Health of Thailand
attended the foundation stone laying
华侨中医院新楼是多功能综合性大楼,设有诊疗室、治疗室 、中药房、培训室、会议室
The new building of Huachiew TCM Hospital is a multi-functional comprehensive
building with a treatment room, pharmacy, training room, conference room, etc.,
and adopts an advanced computer system to manage the patient's entire medical
treatment process from registration to medicine and payment. The eight
departments are acupuncture, internal medicine, oncology, gynecology,
dermatology, tuina, orthopedics and acupuncture and moxibustion department
for weight loss.
2006年 - 2019年
2006年,蚁锦中先生接任华侨中医院第二任院长,从2006年8月4 日开始由一名会计人
开始使用“GL” 的电脑系统来管理医院的财务工作。同时还不断的发展中药房,使得用药
的工作人员分工更明确,分为4个组:抓药组、煎药组、药库和核算药价组。2009年 1月
15 日,华侨报德善堂让蚁锦桐先生出任华侨中医院第三任院长,这一时期医院处于稳步
经理,于2009年把医院的财务系统从“GL” 换成 “Express”系统,并使用“HC Hospital来
务,同时增加了药房的药剂品种,比如: 胶囊、丸剂、外敷药、膏剂、霜剂以及进行中药
Between 2006 and 2019
Under the leadership of director Su Sin, Huachiew TCM Hospital has a high
sense of social responsibility, serving the patients regardless of social class,
nationality, and religion. At the same time, he has continued to promote the
development of hospitals and become advertised for comprehensive Chinese
Medicine Hospitals in Thailand.
In 2006, Mr.Yi Jin Zhong took over as the second director of Huachiew TCM
Hospital. From August 4, 2006, an accountant began to take charge of the records
of financial expenses, medicines procurement and acceptance, and employee
overtime pay. In 2008, Huachiew TCM Hospital took over the entire financial
system from Huachiew Hospital and began to use the "GL" computer system to
manage the financial work of the hospital. At the same time, the development of
Chinese pharmacies has continued, resulting in a significant increase in the use
of Chinese herbal medicines. In order to adapt the existing management
framework to the development of the hospital, the hospital has set up the
pharmacy department. The division of pharmacy staff divided into four groups:
the medicine preparing group, the decocting group, the medicine storage, and the
accounting drug price group.
On January 15, 2009, Director Aram Eamsureya took over as the third director
of Huachiew TCM Hospital. During this period, the hospital was in a period of
steady development and the number of patients increased steadily. From 2009 to
2016, it is a key moment for the development of Huachiew TCM Hospital. Director
Aram Eamsureya has a long-term development vision, determined the correct
development direction of the hospital and formulated an effective management
system, and promoted the hospital to form a more comprehensive and effective
management system. Lead the hospital to develop in many aspects.
为了能使广大的民众能使用中医治疗,华侨中医院于2014年5月20 在呵叻府开设了华侨
Huachiew TCM Hospital opened Nakhon Ratchasima Branch in Nakhon
Ratchasima on May 20, 2014. This is the historic breakthrough of Huachiew TCM
Hospital. The first establishment of the branch, the Nakhon Ratchasima branch
will become advertised of other branches in the future.
题举行建院20周年纪念活动。2015年泰国已进入 “东盟一体(ASEAN Community)”,华
In addition, on July 5, 2015, Huachiew TCM Hospital held the 20th anniversary
with the theme of“Traditional Chinese Medicine for 20 Years, Creating a New
Contribution to Efficacy”. Thailand has entered "ASEAN Community" in 2015,
and Huachiew TCM Hospital is also ready to build first-class medical and service
levels to welcome ASEAN integration and adjust the hospital management system
and structure. Policies have been formulated to comprehensively improve the
management level of the hospital. In order to better cope with various
developmental variables that occur in the future, it is divided into two phases: the
first phase (2015-2017) and the second phase (2018-2019).
Nowadays, the price of medicines in the Chinese herbal medicine market in
Thailand is rising steadily. At the same time, there is still the unstable quality of
medicinal materials, or there is a lack of certain medicinal materials. These
problems have affected the service quality of Huachiew TCM Hospital director
Aram Eamsureya saw the impact of these problems on the future development of
the hospital. Therefore, he took measures to import Chinese herbal medicines
from Chinese pharmacies, thereby controlling the cost of the medicines and
ensuring the efficacy of the medicines, as well as the future of the hospital. The
extension is fully prepared. Therefore, Huachiew TCM Hospital and the Poh Teck
Tung Foundation applied for a land area of about 7,500 square meters in
Nonthaburi Province for the construction of a new medicine storehouse. The
construction project is divided into three phases, and now the first and second
phases of the project have been completed.
- The first phase: the construction of a Chinese medicine storehouse.
- The second phase: the construction of a Chinese medicine processing room.
- The third phase: the construction of a 6 floors comprehensive museum:
Chinese herbal medicine exhibition room, the history of Poh Teck Tung
Foundation exhibition rooms, historical exhibition rooms for Chinese medicine in
Thailand, Chinese medicine exhibition rooms, libraries, conference rooms,
training rooms, etc.
On January 26, 2018, there was an formal opening ceremony "Huachiew
Comprehensive Chinese Herbal Medicine Learning Center" with the objective of
learning Chinese herbs and working together in academic work that is beneficial
to the study and progress of Chinese medicine in Thailand, and to celebrate the
23rd anniversary of the opening of Chinese medicine services in Thailand.
8年来,泰国社会上的中医师们合力推动和提高中医在泰国法律上的地位 ,在2016年3月
1 日,华侨中医院的泰文名字,按照卫生部的相关法律的规定改名为 “คลินิกการประกอบ
โรคศิลปะ สาขาการแพทย์แผนจีนหัวเฉียว”,因此,2016年是华侨中医院的发展变化年。2016
In the past eight years, Chinese medicine practitioners in Thailand society have
jointly promoted and enhanced the status of Chinese medicine in Thailand law.
On March 1, 2016, the Thai name of Huachiew TCM Hospital was renamed as
“คลินิกการประกอบโรคศิลปะ สาขาการแพทย์แผนจีนหัวเฉียว”, Therefore, 2016 is the year of
development and change of Huachiew TCM Hospital. On May 2016, Huachiew
TCM Hospital first visited the Southeast Asian Overseas Chinese Medicine
Exchange and Cooperation Conference, which made the reputation of Huachiew
TCM Hospital known by its peers and received the attention of Chinese leaders
and other leaders as well as media. In addition, the new generation doctors who
have graduated from master's and doctoral degrees will be able to come back to
help develop and advance the hospital.
In October 2018, Huachiew TCM Hospital opened the second branch in SiRacha.
Since 2009 to 2018, it is considered a 10-year leap forward development of
Huachiew TCM Hospital. Under Director Aram Eamsureya and the management
team continue to improve the management system, treatment service and
academic. Until on December 15, 2018, Huachiew TCM Hospital was supported by
the National Chinese Medicine Ministry. (State Administration of Traditional
Chinese Medicine of the People's Republic of China), as a foreign cooperation
project of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Has been
chosen as the "China-Thailand Traditional Chinese Medicine Center", and was
honored by Mr. Li ChunLin (Counselor and Consul General of the Embassy of the
People's Republic of China), and Dr. Zhen Xiao (the President of Shanghai
Longhua Hospital), Dr. Wichian Techapiboon (Chairman of the Executive
Committee of Poh Teck Tung Foundation), and Mr. Aram Eamsureya (Director of
Huachiew TCM Hospital came to the official opening ceremony.